(06) 358 5403

Welcome to St Peter's

St Peter's Traditions

Church Fairs

St Peter's is well known for its Autumn and Christmas Fairs. Each has has a distinct character but both feature our iconic sausage sizzle, Pete's pantry and legendary raffles, not to mention baking, collectables, books and much more. Our Christmas fair is especially lively as it includes our very popular plant stall. Children, as usu


St Peter's has a small but dedicated choir directed by Garth Smith which enhances the liturgy and usually sings on the first Sunday of each month. Extra choristers from other church choirs, Palmerston North Choral Society and Renaissance Singers swell the ranks for special services such as Easter, Christmas, Patronal Festivals and other extraordinary occasions. We combine with C

Pet Blessing

Annual St Francis Pet Blessing Service Every year in October on or near the feast of St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals, St Peter's holds a special service where you are encouraged to bring your pets in to be blessed.

229 Ruahine Street,
Palmerston North
Email: stpeters@inspire.net.nz
Phone: (06) 358 5403

Office Hours

Tuesday to Friday
9:00am to 12:00pm

Closed on Public Holidays

229 Ruahine Street,
Palmerston North
Email: stpeters@inspire.net.nz
Phone: (06) 358 5403

Office Hours

Tuesday to Friday
9:00am to 12:00pm

Closed on Public Holidays

2017 © St Peter's Curch
Design by BMR Creative
Website by NYX