(06) 358 5403

Welcome to St Peter's


Welcome to the St Peter's Blog. This is a collection of articles and pieces of writing by parishioners of St Peter's Church.

Content may not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the Anglican Parish of St Peter.

29 March 2024 by IV with the permission of the editors of The Messenger, Yvonne & Allan Rae. This was originally published in the March 2024 edition.

Did You Know…………

That the elegant wooden pulpit in St Peter’s was designed and made by the oldest son of our then organist and choir master?

John Panting was only just in his early 20’s when he designed the pulpit, made it and also made the bronze castings on the front of the lectern and pulpit. He went to England shortly after that to further his training and was killed in an accident in his mid-twenties without realising his full designing potential.

John’s father, Stuart, was organist and choirmaster from 1948 to 1967 and was very strict with choir members. Read more...

12 November 2023 by IV

Just a Building? Or?

Imagine being charged with a goal of raising $2,446,586.51 in just under three years, and to do this decades before crowdfunding, quiz nights and silent auctions. Yet one community did just that - the goal being to build a “new Church”– the St Peters parishioners who have gone before us.

67 years ago, starting on October 7, 1956, members of this parish started fulfilling their pledges to help raise the sum of £40,000 towards building a “new and larger” St Peter’s. There was a degree of urgency as the Vicar Leo King wrote to the Parish in July 1956 edition of The Messenger... Read more...

27 October 2023 by IV

Remembering Max

There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens,
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to pluck what has been planted...

Ecclesiastes 3:1-2

(read at Max’s Memorial Service)

Max’s time to be born was September 25, 1948, and his time to die was October 7, 2023. October 18 was the time to remember and celebrate the various seasons of his life and the different facets which made Max who he was, some seen and known and others yet to be revealed... Read more...

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229 Ruahine Street,
Palmerston North
Email: stpeters@inspire.net.nz
Phone: (06) 358 5403

Office Hours

Tuesday to Friday
9:00am to 12:00pm

229 Ruahine Street,
Palmerston North
Email: stpeters@inspire.net.nz
Phone: (06) 358 5403

Office Hours

Tuesday to Friday
9:00am to 12:00pm

Closed on Public Holidays

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